Invisalign (Invisable Braces)
Invisalign straightens teeth without braces using Aligners. The Aligners are made of clear medical grade polymers which are nearly impossible to see when worn. Invisalign uses patented 3-D computer technology to project tooth movement and create a series of custom made Aligners to gradually move your teeth. Each Aligner is worn for 2 weeks before moving to the next set. Many cases can be treated in approximately twelve months. The advantages of Invisalign include:
Nearly Invisible Aligners
Removable for eating and drinking
Allows for better oral hydiene to maintain healthy teeth and gums during treatment
Increased comfort since there are no more wires or brackets to abrade soft tissues inside your mouth


Call our office for a complimentary evaluation to see if you qualify for this unique orthodontic technique and visit for more information

Advancements in technology in multiple fields affect nearly every aspect of our lives. Likewise, advancements in technology, techniques and materials in dentistry have forever changed our approach to our profession. The purpose of this web site is to not only introduce you to my practice but also inform you of the many advanced philosophies, techniques and procedures offered. Thank you for your interest.

Dennis R. Brumbaugh, DMD.